Kyle Sherrill

Way back when but Now too

if society collapses
at least these porcelain roses won’t get dinged up
ill shut upward inside this garden without a nose
without a sound to shut out
my ears fly away winged
and bloodied by the full on distraction of violence
(the tubes of earth to Aten) a one truck faction of silence
and often before election season:
we collectively own all tesla psy-ops
progress is sleepwalking
build a perpetual motion machine i can cling onto
lose myself in the oscillation of (progress) {plotless}
sniffing, fears glistening
what is organic about chewing on the death instinct?
the uncreated myth of language
around since forever
but we’ve only met in the mind-recollects-the-face kind of way
socially, my minds eye creates media that can’t be zucked
like the thousands of burnt animals across california
my mind burns up in a crisp flicker
without the ecstasy of disease
to cool my bodied thought
quicker left than entered